The Registration Process

On successful completion of all examination requirements, candidates will receive a registration form and may apply for registration. Application and registration fees of $275 should be submitted with your registration form.

The cost of registration for the first year of practice is $225 plus $50 (application fee). Payment must be by certified cheque or money order. This registration is valid until December 31 of the year in which a candidate registers. Registration renewals and annual fees of $225 are due January 1 of each year of registration. A Registration Renewal Form is mailed to members in October. This is the only notice members will receive. It is the member’s responsibility to contact COMPO if he/she has not received a form.

Once an application for registration is received by COMPO, The Registrar will either:

  • register the applicant, or
  • refer the application to the Registration Committee.

The registration application process can take as little as five to seven business days once an applicant has submitted all supporting documentation. However, a referral to the Registration Committee could typically lengthen the process. The Registration Committee generally meets once every six weeks to review referrals; however, may meet more frequently if required.

Candidates are encouraged to apply for registration upon receipt of successful completion of the examination requirements.

Candidates are strongly advised to refrain from entering contractual arrangements until they have satisfied the requirements for registration, including successful completion of all examinations.

Candidates are reminded that they must not have their names listed in any directory or any other advertising media in Ontario until they have been registered to practice by COMPO.

Referral to the Registration Committee

An application for registration will be referred to the Registration Committee if there are concerns as to whether the applicant has satisfied the requirements for registration or if there may be a reason to impose terms, conditions or limitations on the certificate of registration. Examples of applicants who are referred to the Registration Committee are:

  • first-time applicants where there is a question that they have satisfied the requirements for registration;
  • experienced applicants from other regulated jurisdictions who may not have satisfied all of the requirements for registration;
  • applicants who have been in the Inactive or Retired class, or who have had their license revoked or resigned, who wish to re-enter the General class of registration;
  • applicants with previous offences, discipline decisions or other findings that are relevant to their suitability to practice osteopathic manual practice.

The Registration Committee generally meets once every six weeks to review referrals; however, may meet more frequently if required.

The Registration Committee will typically review an application referral at the next available meeting of the Committee and may require the applicant to submit additional documentation or be interviewed before rendering a decision.

In rendering a decision, the Registration Committee may:

  • register the applicant
  • register the applicant with terms, conditions or limitations
  • exempt the applicant from certain exemptible requirements of the registration requirements if the applicant demonstrates that he/she is competent to practice osteopathic manual practice in Ontario
  • direct the applicant to submit additional information or fulfill additional requirements

Additional information that is typically requested may include:

  • a completed professional portfolio
  • a letter of good standing from jurisdictions in which the applicant has practiced osteopathic manual practice
  • a transcript or other proof of graduation from an accredited osteopathic manual practice program
  • a copy of any past discipline, professional negligence, malpractice or criminal decisions involving the applicant

The Registration Committee may require the applicant to complete requirements for registration if not already completed, which may include:

  • successfully completing COMPO’s legislation and ethics examination
  • successfully completing certain components of the COMPO clinical competency examination
  • undergoing a peer and practice assessment within a period of time
  • attending COMPO’s Record Keeping Workshop, once registered
  • otherwise satisfying the Registration Committee that the applicant is competent to practice osteopathic manual practice in Ontario